Szeretnéd megosztani a tapasztalataid egy tankkal, moddal, aromával vagy bármilyen egyéb kiegészítővel kapcsolatban? A Vélemények kategóriában megteheted.
Dohány (desszert), kivonat
- Blendfeel - Yellow Tobac: Blendfeel - Yellow Tobac
- Goat Classic - Old Captain: Goat Classic - Old Captain
- Bombo - Remasters - Aldonza Remaster: Bombo - Remasters - Aldonza Remaster ízteszt
- Ghost Bus Club - Tre Gocce: Ghost Bus Club - Tre Gocce
- La Tabaccheria Harmonium: Ízteszt - La Tabaccheria Harmonium
- Blendfeel Chiodo Fisso: Ízteszt - Blendfeel Chiodo Fisso
- Bombo Solo Juice - Vanilla Custard Tobacco: BOMBO SOLO JUICE - VANILLA CUSTARD TOBACCO
- TNT Vape - Dark Lake Mixture ‘n 669, Trinidad Avana n’ 389: TNT Vape - Dark Lake Mixture ‘n 669, Trinidad Avana n’ 389
- Saint Clouds Sumbawa snv: Saint Clouds Sumbawa snv
- La Tabaccheria Estratto di Tabacco: Az olasz szivar klasszikusa!
- Tobacco monster – bold: Tobacco monster – bold
- Kinga török csemegéje: Kinga török csemegéje
- Black Note prémium kivonatos aromák: Black Note prémium kivonatos aromák
- Al Carlo - Vintage Banana: Al Carlo - Vintage Banana
Kávé, cappuccino
- Le P’tit – Mocha: Le P'tit – Mocha
- Solana - La Fabrique à Biscuits – Café: Solana - La Fabrique à Biscuits – Café
- Bolt - white chocolate mocha: Bolt - white chocolate mocha
- Le Vaporium - Café Gourmand: Le Vaporium - Café Gourmand
- LiquidHall Pompei 10ml: LiquidHall Pompei 10ml
- BOZZ PURE – Banoffee: BOZZ PURE – Banoffee
- SuperVape Cappuccino Frappè: SuperVape Cappuccino Frappè
- La Bonne Vape - Madeleine Pistache: La Bonne Vape - Madeleine Pistache
- Ladybug – Daft Pink: Ladybug – Daft Pink
- Omerta Liquids – Bisha Premium Pistachio Muffin: Omerta Liquids – Bisha Premium Pistachio Muffin
- Bombo Solo Juice - Creme Brulee: Bombo Solo Juice - Creme Brulee
- Bombo Solo Juice - Hazelnut Choco Waffer: Bombo Solo Juice - Hazelnut Choco Waffer
- LE P’TIT JUS – Ramisu: LE P'TIT JUS – Ramisu
- Fairy Tale - Sweets Strawberry Madness: Fairy Tale - Sweets Strawberry Madness
- Euphoria - Hazelnut Yoghurt Cream: Euphoria - Hazelnut Yoghurt Cream
- Prestige - Pear Coconut Caramel: Prestige - Pear Coconut Caramel
- Unicorn’s Pistacio: Unicorn's Pistacio
- Snowowl - Hazel Custard: Snowowl - Hazel Custard
- Curieux - Crème Brûlée: Curieux - Crème Brûlée
- Curieux - Edition Hexagone – Lille: Curieux - Edition Hexagone – Lille
- The Fuu Fuug Life - S’Croc: The Fuu Fuug Life - S'Croc
- Made In Vape – Macaroon Violette Rose (Sweetness Range): Made In Vape – Macaroon Violette Rose (Sweetness Range)
- Cloudy Strike - TB Madeleine Vanille: Cloudy Strike - TB Madeleine Vanille
- Mur – Adrenalin Junkie: Mur – Adrenalin Junkie
- 814 – Dagobert: 814 – Dagobert
- Oil4Vap – Archaon: Oil4Vap – Archaon
- Mur - Sugarmama: Mur - Sugarmama
- The Captain’s Juice – Morey: The Captain's Juice – Morey
- Decadent Vapours – Key Lime Pie: Decadent Vapours – Key Lime Pie
- Bombo Solo Juice - Vanilla Biscuit: Bombo Solo Juice - Vanilla Biscuit
- Mount Vape - Vanilla Pudding Biscuits Cream Coconut: Mount Vape - Vanilla Pudding Biscuits Cream Coconut
- Oil4Vap – Thoth: Oil4Vap – Thoth
- Bombo Viper - Golden Owl: Bombo Viper - Golden Owl
- Uncle Meringue by Charlie’s Chalk Dust: Uncle Meringue by Charlie’s Chalk Dust
- Fairy Tale - Sweets Senor Churro: Fairy Tale - Sweets Senor Churro
- Kings Crest - Don Juan Reserve: Kings Crest - Don Juan Reserve
- Yummy - Banana Crumble: Yummy - Banana Crumble
- Aromamester Pisztáciás Fagyi: Aromamester Pisztáciás Fagyi
- TNT Vape - Extra - Torta al limone: TNT Vape - Extra - Torta al limone
- Witch Custard – Mango: Witch Custard – Mango
- KDR Mango Cheesecake: KDR Mango Cheesecake
- Vitruvianos Juice – Partenope: Vitruvianos Juice – Partenope
- One Hit Wonder - Strawberry Pound Cake Famous Fair: One Hit Wonder - Strawberry Pound Cake Famous Fair
- Prestige Dessert - Orange Cake: Prestige Dessert - Orange Cake
- Scandal Flavor - Good View Waffle Lemon: Scandal Flavor - Good View Waffle Lemon
- BANG JUICE – Läckerei Milchreis&Zimt: BANG JUICE – Läckerei Milchreis&Zimt
- Cloud’s of Lolo – Mikaloff: Cloud's of Lolo – Mikaloff
- Revolute Projet Ame Ame: Revolute Projet Ame Ame
- SAINT CLOUDS – Seabiscuit: SAINT CLOUDS – Seabiscuit
- Vape House Flavour - BIG-C: Vape House Flavour - BIG-C
- The Alchemists Cupboard – The Alchemists Custard: The Alchemists Cupboard – The Alchemists Custard
- Dr. Fog - Donuts - dohz nutz: Dr. Fog - Donuts - dohz nutz
- Journey black - the custard: Journey black - the custard
- Journey Black – Medieval Pie: Journey Black – Medieval Pie
- Sadboy - butter cookie: Sadboy - butter cookie
- Adams Vape - Short Bread: Adams Vape - Short Bread
- SHAKE- Baklava: SHAKE- Baklava
- Adams Vape - Short Bread: Adams Vape - Short Bread
- Infamous - Sweets Baklava: Infamous - Sweets Baklava
- Journey Signature - Coco by Ivana: Journey Signature - Coco by Ivana
- Nova liquides - premium pink monster: Nova liquides - premium pink monster
- KTS Line – Yellow: KTS Line – Yellow
- KTS Line Silver: KTS Line Silver
- Nova liquides - premium mister yellow: Nova liquides - premium mister yellow
- The Alchemists - LIME CHEESECAKE: The Alchemists - LIME CHEESECAKE
- Fairy Tale - Classic Wicked Witch: Fairy Tale - Classic Wicked Witch
- Joes Juice Creme Kong Blueberry, A&L - Panda Wan: Joes Juice Creme Kong Blueberry, A&L - Panda Wan
- Chuffed – Lemon Tart: Chuffed – Lemon Tart
- PJ Empire - Yummy Dooh: PJ Empire - Yummy Dooh
- Fids paff - Lemon Cake: Fids paff - Lemon Cake
- Fairy Tale Sweets Mango Melody: Fairy Tale Sweets Mango Melody
- VAPY Winter Time – Holiday: VAPY Winter Time – Holiday
- Adam’s Vape - Lemon Bomb: Adam's Vape - Lemon Bomb
- Decadent - Creme Anglaise: Decadent - Creme Anglaise
- Charlie’s chalk dust - Mr meringue: Charlie's chalk dust - Mr meringue
- Decadent – Harlequin: Decadent – Harlequin
- FlavourArt körkép, 1. rész: FlavourArt körkép, 1. rész
- SC San Rossore by Vape42: SC San Rossore by Vape42
- Animatter Deuterium: Animatter Deuterium
- Imperia Shark Attack - Royal Strudel: Imperia Shark Attack - Royal Strudel
- Twisted Flavors Coconut Macaroons: Twisted Flavors Coconut Macaroons
- Fairy Tale Sweets Banana Harmony: Fairy Tale Sweets Banana Harmony
- Journey Classic Healing Potion: Journey Classic Healing Potion
- KTS Love Love Love: KTS Love Love Love
- Fairy Tale Sweets Lemon Delirium: Fairy Tale Sweets Lemon Delirium
- Infamous Liqonic Banana Custard: Infamous Liqonic Banana Custard
- Wisdom of Wizards Lo Pan: Wisdom of Wizards Lo Pan
- Fairy Tale – Sweets Orange Adventure: Fairy Tale – Sweets Orange Adventure
- KTS Liquid Chroma Strawberry Macaron: KTS Liquid Chroma Strawberry Macaron
- Egoist Ego -Elixir: Egoist Ego -Elixir
- Egoist - Ego Holy Cannoli: Egoist - Ego Holy Cannoli
- Imperia Shark Attack - Royal Strudel: Imperia Shark Attack - Royal Strudel
- Memories – Lemon Tart: Memories – Lemon Tart
- DIYSTER Lemonster: DIYSTER Lemonster
- Dinner Lady Pink Wave: Dinner Lady Pink Wave
- Momo- Drizzle Dream: Momo- Drizzle Dream
- DIYSTER Pinkster: DIYSTER Pinkster
- Mystic Juice - Luxury Lemon Tart: Mystic Juice - Luxury Lemon Tart
- Decadent - Apple Strudel: Decadent - Apple Strudel
- Decadent – Eton Mess: Decadent – Eton Mess
- Crescendo - Purple Mist: Crescendo - Purple Mist
- Crescendo - Yellow Chill: Crescendo - Yellow Chill
- Bam Bam’s - Original Cannoli: Bam Bam's - Original Cannoli
- Riot Squad - Black Edition Rich Black Grape: Riot Squad - Black Edition Rich Black Grape
- Full Moon – Just Fruit Purple: Full Moon – Just Fruit Purple
- KTS Gothic – Death: KTS Gothic – Death
- Medusa - Mango Banana Strawberry: Medusa - Mango Banana Strawberry
- Juice Sauz Drifter Bar - Pineapple Ice: Juice Sauz Drifter Bar - Pineapple Ice
- Bandidos - Watermelon Berry Dragon Fruit: Bandidos - Watermelon Berry Dragon Fruit
- 7 Sins - 4 Envy: 7 Sins - 4 Envy
- Taklope – Fraise: Taklope – Fraise
- Decadent vapours – Strawberrino: Decadent vapours – Strawberrino
- Fizz and Freeze - Melon Cassis Banane: Fizz and Freeze - Melon Cassis Banane
- Oil4Vap – Yakuza: Oil4Vap – Yakuza
- Medusa - Crystal Kandi: Medusa - Crystal Kandi
- Decadent Vapours – Purpello: Decadent Vapours – Purpello
- Mexican Cartel - Ananas Fraise Pêche: Mexican Cartel - Ananas Fraise Pêche
- Bombo Wailani Juice - Pink Berries: Bombo Wailani Juice - Pink Berries
- LQDR - Jungle Juice – Sweet Raspberry: LQDR - Jungle Juice – Sweet Raspberry
- Le French Liquide – Fruiitopia: Le French Liquide – Fruiitopia
- Adam’s Vape - Apricot Cupcake: Adam's Vape - Apricot Cupcake
- Lqdr - shots over baghdad – dragon: Lqdr - shots over baghdad – dragon
- Mr. Vape – Leggiero: Mr. Vape – Leggiero
- Lqdr - jungle juice - ripe lemon: Lqdr - jungle juice - ripe lemon
- Lqdr - shots over baghdad – kiwon: Lqdr - shots over baghdad – kiwon
- SadBoy - Nola Line Blueberry: SadBoy - Nola Line Blueberry
- Dash one – strawberry: Dash one – strawberry
- Sadboy - strawberry jam: Sadboy - strawberry jam
- Imperia Shark Attack - Don Limon: Imperia Shark Attack - Don Limon
- Mr. Vape and Vaper Zona - Black Angel: Mr. Vape and Vaper Zona - Black Angel
- Bombo wailani juice - apple and grape: Bombo wailani juice - apple and grape
- Ohf! - ice mango passion: Ohf! - ice mango passion
- Tribal Force - Lemon Splash: Tribal Force - Lemon Splash
- Dinner Lady - Grape Vine: Dinner Lady - Grape Vine
- KTS – Life: KTS – Life
- Riot Squad - Punx Erdbeere, Blaubeere&Himbeere: Riot Squad - Punx Erdbeere, Blaubeere&Himbeere
- Riot Squad - Cherry Fizzle: Riot Squad - Cherry Fizzle
- Chill Pill Truly Banana: Chill Pill Truly Banana
- FlavourArt Mango, Strawberry: FlavourArt körkép, 2.-rész
- Capella Flavours – Banana: Capella Flavours – Banana
- Bang juice tropenhazard Wild Mango: Bang juice tropenhazard Wild Mango
- Go Bears -DUBLE-Blackcurrant & Lychee: Go Bears -DUBLE-Blackcurrant & Lychee
- Kung Fruits Reishi: Kung Fruits Reishi
- KTS EL Sombrero Mango von Limon: KTS EL Sombrero Mango von Limon
- Egoist Gorilla: Egoist Gorilla
- Dinner lady - pink berry: Dinner lady - pink berry
- Decadent – Rainbow Fruit: Decadent – Rainbow Fruit
- Decadent – Lime Zinger: Decadent – Lime Zinger
Gyümölcs hűsítővel
- A&L Ultimate – Yakuza (Sweet Edition): A&L Ultimate – Yakuza (Sweet Edition)
- Biggy Bear - Evo - Mix de Fraises Acidulees: Biggy Bear - Evo - Mix de Fraises Acidulees
- Biggy Bear Evo - Grenade Fraise Kiwi: Biggy Bear Evo - Grenade Fraise Kiwi
- Juice Sauz Drifter Bar - Pink Lemonade: Juice Sauz Drifter Bar - Pink Lemonade
- A&L Ultimate – Luna: A&L Ultimate – Luna
- Crescendo - Mango Frost: Crescendo - Mango Frost
- Chido - Papaye Citron Raisin: Chido - Papaye Citron Raisin
- Crescendo - Tropic Splash: Crescendo - Tropic Splash
- Crescendo - Red Rush: Crescendo - Red Rush
- Vampire Vape Heisenberg: Vampire vape Heisenberg kinek mi a véleménye?
- Juicy Premix - Red Fruit Ice: Juicy Premix - Red Fruit Ice
- Polar - Frozen Berries: Polar - Frozen Berries
- LQDR - Shots Over Baghdad – Wine: LQDR - Shots Over Baghdad – Wine
- Drip Hacks - Alkaline Rise: Drip Hacks - Alkaline Rise
- Vampire Vape - Blood Sukka: Vampire Vape - Blood Sukka
- Liquideo – Strawberry Banana Grape Freeze: Liquideo – Strawberry Banana Grape Freeze
- Bombo Solo Juice - Blue Razz Ice: Bombo Solo Juice - Blue Razz Ice
- LQDR Trio – Kiwi & Mentol: LQDR Trio – Kiwi & Mentol
- Tribal Force - Freezy Wine: Tribal Force - Freezy Wine
- Tribal Force - Water Blue: Tribal Force - Water Blue
- Just Juice - Grape Melon Ice: Just Juice - Grape Melon Ice
- Just Juice - Wild Berries and Aniseed: Just Juice - Wild Berries and Aniseed
- Just Juice - Blackcurrant & Lime Ice: Just Juice - Blackcurrant & Lime Ice
- Just juice - citron coconut ice: Just juice - citron coconut ice
- Bombo viper – hentai: Bombo viper – hentai
- Aisu – Mango: Aisu – Mango
- Ripe Vapes - Mango Freez: Ripe Vapes - Mango Freez
- Tribal Force - Blood Red: Tribal Force - Blood Red
- Suprem-e - Mang ONE Ice: Suprem-e - Mang ONE Ice
- Twisted Flavors Cryostasis - Double Team: Twisted Flavors Cryostasis - Double Team
- Jungle Wave Yellow Sunshine: Jungle Wave Yellow Sunshine
- Copy Cat Motzy Cat: Copy Cat Motzy Cat
- PJ Empire, Berry Burst: PJ Empire, Berry Burst
- 5 EL Deli Raspberry: 5 EL Deli Raspberry
- Fids-Paff - X-Berry Mint: Fids-Paff - X-Berry Mint
- Mystic Juice Cool Lemonade: Mystic Juice Cool Lemonade
- Decadent – Crystal Blue: Decadent – Crystal Blue
- Decadent Raspberry Ice: Decadent Raspberry Ice
- Oil4Vap – Double Bubble Mint: Oil4Vap – Double Bubble Mint
- Just Juice - Pure Mint Ice: Just Juice - Pure Mint Ice
- Juicy Premix - Cola Ice: Juicy Premix - Cola Ice
- Juicy Premix - Blue Razz Lemonade: Juicy Premix - Blue Razz Lemonade
- Juicy Premix - Energy Drink: Juicy Premix - Energy Drink
- Oil4vap – Vladiblood: Oil4vap – Vladiblood
- The AISU Tokyo Series - Pink Raspberry Lemonade: The AISU Tokyo Series - Pink Raspberry Lemonade
- Bubble Island Milk n Straw: Bubble Island Milk n Straw
- Journey Classic Panda Tears: Journey Classic Panda Tears
- Vampire Vape – Orange Soda: Vampire Vape – Orange Soda
Cukorka, vattacukor
- Bubble Jak - Oil4Vap: Bubble Jak - Oil4Vap
- Tribal Force - Rainbow Slush: Tribal Force - Rainbow Slush
- VAPY Autumn Time Cherry Gum: VAPY Autumn Time Cherry Gum
- Lady Baba Barnum-Show: Lady Baba Barnum-Show
- Lost Vape Thelema Solo / Grus VS Geekvape Aegis Legend 2: Lost vape vs geekvape
- Yihi SXmini MQ Class: YIHI SXmini MQ Class mod tapasztalat
- Memersvape – Avia A1: Memersvape – Avia A1
- Smok Novo GT Pod: Smok Novo GT Pod
- GUS Mods Jazz & War csőmecha: GUS Mods Jazz & War csőmecha bemutató.
- Lost Vape Centaurus B80 AIO: Beszéljünk a Lost Vape Centaurus B80-ról
- Vandy Vape Pulse V3 Squonk: Squonkolásom története és a Vandy Vape Pulse V3
- Smok Mag Solo Kit: JÓ vagy ROSSZ? - Smok Mag Solo Kit /TESZT/
- Vaporesso Swag 2: Swagódásaim avagy Vaporesso Swag II történetem
- Smok Morph 3 Kit: Smok Morph 3 Kit teszt
- LQDR – ONE Pod: LQDR – ONE Pod
- THC - Mike Vapes Blaze Solo RTA: THC - Mike Vapes Blaze Solo RTA
- Arcana 22 RTA: Arcana 22 Rta vélemény
- Kizoku Shima MTL RTA: Kizoku Shima Mtl Rta Teszt
- Ijoy Limitless RDTA Classic Edition: Utazó Vape Ijoy Limitless RDTA Classic Edition teszt
- Auguse Era: Utazó Tankok Auguse Era Teszt!
- Origen Genesis V2: Utazó Tankok: Origen Genesis V2 Teszt
- Ud Aga T7: Utazó Tankok: Ud Aga T7 teszt!
- By-Ka V8 MTL RTA (1): By-ka V8 tapasztalatok
- By-Ka V8 MTL RTA (2): By-ka teszt
- Brünhilde MTL RTA (1): Utazó tankok - Brünhilde MTL RTA
- Brünhilde MTL RTA (2): Utazó tankok - Hilda és én
- Minőségi beszerzésiforrás: Minőségi beszerzésiforrás
- Egy kis Dvarw tekerés: Egy kis Dvarw tekerés.
- Üvegszál kisérletezés: Üvegszál kisérletezés